Sunday, October 21, 2007

Flamingos in Kuwait

Flamingos in Kuwait
Originally uploaded by Cajie.
I was quiet surprised to learn that there are flamingos in Kuwait; as I had never seen a single one in my 15 years of living here (except in the Kuwait zoo).
Apparently, they are found only in a specific area in Kuwait. There is a sort of a sanctuary near the Shuwaikh hospitals area, and the flamingos are found there.
I decided to check it out so I packed my camera gear and headed towards the Al-Sabah maternity hospital; as I remember seeing an access area to the beach there.
I was indeed surprised to find a whole flock of flamingos near the waterside. Unfortunately for me, it was low tide and it was not possible to get close enough to them to get a decent shot.
This was shot with my 80-200 f2.8 zoomed to it's maximum of 200mm. Not good enough!.
Now I need to visit the place again during high tide, hoping to get a little closer to the birds.


  1. Beautiful picture.

  2. If you haven't done so, check out the vegetation at the Kuwaiti desert during the winter times. It's worth a shot or two...some of the few hidden beauties of Kuwait.

  3. That is fantastic! Really great, and if your going into that marsh make sure you have a friend in a 4x4 to get you out when you sink! lol

  4. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Oh - thanks!!!

    I thought they were way out of reach for me without a car, but that sounds like I could get there somehow :D

    I need to go there (but maybe not with my tiny cam ;) )

  5. @this lady

    @the aggressor
    Any specific place?. The only place in Kuwait with vegetation that I know is Wafra. If you know of any other places, let me know.

    No way am I going to step in the marsh. I am staying safe on the shore :)

    You need a camera that can give you around at least 400mm focal range to get anything useful.

  6. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I still wanna see them :)
