Friday, September 28, 2007

D200 and high ISO

Shark (Scientific Center)
Originally uploaded by Cajie.
About a year back, I visited the Kuwait Scientific Center aquarium. At that time, I had my trusty Nikon D70, and the versatile 50mm f1.8 lens.
I have never been comfortable shooting above ISO 800 on the D70 as the images turn extremely noisy, so I had to limit myself to ISO 800 and open the lens wide to it's maximum aperture. Even after stretching both the camera body & the lens to it's maximum, I had difficulty getting sharp pictures. I remember thinking to myself that this particular setup demands a D200 body, and a lens that can open up to f1.4.
As it so happens, I managed to upgrade myself to a D200 body, and acquire the superlative Sigma 30mm f1.4 lens. I was eager to try this combination at the Scientific center but had to wait for a few months for the opportunity.
I finally got my chance last week. As I had expected, the D200 could handle the high ISO with aplomb. Coupled with the fast aperture of the Sigma, I managed to get some great pictures of the sea life on display at the aquarium.

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