Monday, April 07, 2008

Micro-Nikkor 105mm VR - First Impression

The VR works
Originally uploaded by Cajie.
When I get hold of a new lens, it is customary for me to plug it into my camera, and take a quick shot of my daughter. That is exactly what I did when I got my new toy, the 105mm Micro-Nikkor.

It is also customary for me to take my first shot with the most extreme settings. This usually means shooting wide open (f2.8 in this case), and since this is my first VR (vibration reduction) lens, I wanted to see if the VR really works. This means shooting at speeds which usually result in blurry images.

This image is taken using Aperture priority, wide open at f3.2 (I will explain why it couldn't be f2.8 in my next post), and at shutter speed of 1/15th of a second. In order to achieve this modest shutter speed, I had to crank up the ISO to 800.

Conclusions: The VR works, and I can safely take hand-held shots at low shutter speeds (as long as the subject is not moving).

Keep in mind that this is a macro lens so taking picture of my daughter is not the most ideal way to test this lens. I will now spend some quality time with a lightbox and some tiny objects trying some real macro shots.


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    That shot is gorgeous :)!
    *Little envy here* :)
    Btw. are you back in Kuwait now or what? I'm a bit mixed up ;)
    I was drooling at Dubai airport - they had the D300 there and "only" 400 Dollars more than on amazon, but hey, that was on the way back, no money left :P

  2. Seems like a very nice lens! I am thinking about another lens but for now I'm just going to take a ton of snaps with all that I have!

    Very nice shot!

  3. Nicole,
    I am back in Kuwait; and will most likely be here in the forseeable future.
    The Canada thing did not work out as I expected, plus I was given an offer by my company that was simply too hard to refuse.
    That's the idea. Make the maximum use of what you have.

  4. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Sorry to hear.
    But hey, good to have you back ;)!
    Are you going to the boat show in Fahaheel next week?
