Saturday, April 12, 2008

Getting better at this.

More Colored Pencils
Originally uploaded by Cajie.
After nearly 1 week of experimenting with various lights, white balance, exposure and focusing, I've finally figured out the whole process of macro photography.

I still need a few more things to make an ultimate macro setup.
1. An 18% grey card. Something like this. Having a proper grey card will allow me to do manual exposure; rather than playing with EV shift and histogram checking after each shot. I have to make a trip to the local photo shop to see if they have something similar. Ordering from Amazon will take at least 2 weeks.

2. Daylight balanced light-bulbs. Also known as full-spectrum light bulbs or 5000k (Kelvin) bulbs, these bulbs emit light at 5000k temperature; the same temperature used by flash lights and closely resemble natural light. Having daylight balanced lights would mean I could simply dial in the white balance to 5000k and I would not have to worry about color cast or white balance correction in post processing. I am not sure if such bulbs are available in Kuwait. I checked all the usual suspects (photo shops, sultan center etc.), but haven't found exactly what I am looking for.

Once I have all the necessary equipment, I'll write a detailed review of the whole process of macro-photography of still-objects.

1 comment:

  1. I totally confused! I can't even get shots like that! That is why I stick to the equipment I have, I haven't even utilized all the possibilities and qualities that it might bring out! I need to improve with a certain things and I have no clue how to do it! Hopefully, I will be able to figure it out! Very nice shots Cajie, and your info always helps!
