Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Amazing CN Tower

Toronto At Night
Originally uploaded by Cajie.
We got up today to a bright and clear day after 2 days of heavy snow and dull weather. I thought this would be a great opportunity to visit the Toronto CN tower - one of the tallest structures in the world. The clear weather meant I would have some good photo opportunities.

We reached the tower at around 11:00 AM. It was indeed a great day to visit the place as the view was simply stunning. The only problem was that the temperature was -9 degrees and we literally turned to ice as we walked up to the tower to purchase our tickets.

Due to the cold weather, there were not much people around, so we managed to get an elevator fairly quickly - and very soon, we were on top of Toronto. I was not interested in anything except clicking away at the amazing view.

The thing on my mind was - if this is such a great view during daytime, how good will it be at night? and more importantly, how the heck can I keep the kids for 6 whole hours on top of the tower so that I could get some night-time shots of Toronto city?

I took the family to lunch in the Tower restaurant where I sipped on a cool cocktail while enjoying the panaromic view of Toronto City. Then I got the kids involved in some trick photography one guy was doing by taking their pictures on a green background and then photoshopping it to make the kids look as though they were climbing the CN Tower like King Kong.

Finally, it was sunset and the city started turning on the lights. As you can see from the picture, the view was indeed stunning.


  1. That is a fantastic picture, filled richly with color! Amazing and beautiful!

  2. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Awesome catch!

    Looks like you're having a good time :)!!

    (P.S.: would you mind changing the link to my new blog? Thanks :)! )
