Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Visit to the Grand Mosque

Grand Mosque Hallway
Originally uploaded by Cajie.
The AWARE Center (Advocates for Western-Arab Relations), organized a tour of the Grand Mosque. Well, I am not a westerner, but I decided to take the opportunity to join the tour.

The tour started with a gathering of all the attendees, followed by a 20-minute presentation of the Mosque and then the actual tour.

I was aware that the lighting inside the mosque will be dim so I made sure I took my Sigma 30mm f1.4, as well as the ultra-wide angle 12-24mm. I debated taking a tripod and eventually decided not too as the D200 could handle high ISO, which meant that I could shoot hand-held. In retrospect though, I wish I had carried a tripod as it would have allowed me to take some great visuals of the inside of the mosque.

Oh well. Perhaps another time. Here are some more pictures that I took during the trip.


  1. Those are some very good pics, love teh contrast! I need to take better shots with my camera, I need to carry my DSLR but its too damn big to carry around while I'm on the bike!

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Your shots sure ARE great. I love them :)!
    And I DO have camera envy :D

    Use a camera!

  3. Great pictures,love all of them ! Good thing you took the wide angle lens.

  4. hmmm. Is there a way to email u? ;> I'd like ur recommendations on smthing. ur pics are so beautiful by the way.

  5. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Hi cajie,

    you should visit a new young kuwaiti Photographer ... trying his hand on photography and art...

    maybe you could lend some tips

  6. Anonymous2:30 AM

    WOW! These are really amazing.
