Friday, February 16, 2007

Beautiful Days

Photographing landscapes or cityscapes in Kuwait is always a big challenge. During summer time it is always dusty. During winter time, it is always hazy. Actually, I think it is dust pretending to be haze. There's supposed to be spring and autumn somewhere but I have never experienced these 2 seasons in Kuwait - and I have lived in Kuwait for more than 14 years.

So last week, I was snoozing at home when I saw these brilliant cloud formations and not a speckle of dust or haze in sight. I jumped out of my bed and told my wife that I will be out for the evening and that she had to figure out how to spend the evening with the kids without me. Angel that she is, she agreed.

I quickly got in my car and drove to some of my favourite places. Every photo that I took was a keeper (and I must have shot over 100 pictures).

Here are some of the better ones that I posted to Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Hi cajie, My sis and I have been browsing through your pics and we loved them. She needs some help with a new camera she bought. She is traveling this weekend and needs fast help. Is there any way you can help? If yes can you email me here:

