Tuesday, April 11, 2006

HDR Photography

HRD (High Dynamic Range) photography seems to be the new buzzword on flickr. I came across some of the HDR photos and was at a loss to understand how they managed to get the painting-like effect.
After reading about the subject a bit, I decided to give it a try. This is my first attempt at HDR photography.
I took my trusty Nikon D70 and a tripod and went to some of my favourite haunts. This one in the picture is the new KPC building near Shuwaikh Port.
You need more than 1 photograph taken at different exposures to generate a HDR photo. I used the exposure bracketing feature of the D70 to take 3 pictures with 2 stop difference.
In order to eliminate any misalignment in the 3 photos, I sat the D70 on a tripod, and triggered the exposure using the tiny remote control. I am extremely happy with this picture with it's dramatic background, and the green grass in front.

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